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The Reachu Embed Commerce for WordPress plugin lets you add products from your Reachu account directly to your WordPress and sell them without any redirections. Allowing your readers to stay on page and enjoy the content they came for.

To install the plugin:

Find the Reachu Embed Commerce plugin in the WordPress plugin library:

Go to your WordPress editor and select plugins - press Add New

Search for Reachu

Install Reachu Embed Commerce

Activate the Reachu Embed Commerce

The plugin is now ready to be connected with your Reachu account.


Once the plugin is installed and activated, you have to connect it with your Reachu account using the Reachu API Key. The API Key can be obtained by logging in to your Reachu account.

Press the Channel button on the left hand side.

Press Add a Channel and select WordPress.

Find your API Key.

If you don't have a key created click on the Create button.

When you have the Key click on Copy.

Finally, go back to your WordPress account and paste the Key into the input field, and click Connect. The Reachu plugin can be found and managed from the left hand menu in WordPress.

Once the connection has been made, it is time to configure and customize the different parameters of the plugin.


To configure and customize the plugin, you have to go through four different configuration categories:

Currency - set your checkout's default currency

Tracking - Add tracking through Mixpanel, Hotjar or Google Analytics.

Gutenberg / Shortcodes - If you don't have Gutenberg on your WordPress you can create Shortcodes for your post and publish the products using the short code. To activate it turn on the switch called Gutenberg is not implemented on this WordPress and save the changes.

Logo - select the logo you want to appear on your checkout.

Adding Products: